INTRO: The simian line: a minor physical anomaly! • HOW TO RECOGNIZE Simian Lines?
Discover the commonly used synonyms to refer to simian lines!
• 'single palmar crease' • 'single transverse crease' • 'transverse palmar crease' • 'four finger crease' • 'horizontal palmar crease' • 'single palmar flexion crease' International synonyms for the simian line: • French: 'pli simien', 'pli transverse', 'pli palmaire transverse' (PPT) • German: 'Vierfingerfurche', 'Affenfurche', 'Sperlinie' • Italian: 'linea simiana' • Japanese: 'masukake' • Portuguese: 'pregas palmar transversal única' • Spanish: 'pliegue simiesco' NOTICE: Considering ethics, professional workers often do not use the term 'simian line' since it tends to have a negative meaning (because of it's association with monkeys or apes). Therefore the line/crease is usually just referred to simply as a single palmar crease. In case you would like to continue reading about the history of the simian line, please continue reading ...more. Or... you might enjoy the amusing video below featured with a lady talking (funny) about her simian line, which she has in both hands: Next section: